So you want to make a phone call?

Haha yep!  I jinxed myself by posting this on Facebook yesterday and paid double for it today when I tried to make a real call.


I had finally gotten around to calling one of our insurance companies to make some changes & since Addyson (3) was playing quietly figured it was a good time to cross off my to-do list.  After playing the waiting game, pushing multiple extensions to get to the right person & answering 10 minutes of security questions….Addyson NOW decides that she wants my attention & with fierceness LOL!   She proceeds to come over, cling on my leg, jump up & down while shrieking about her shoes.  Not sure what this fit was even about because I couldn’t understand what she was saying amidst the squealing, but had something to do with her shoes.  Mind you she already had one on her foot so not sure what the problem was, why she even wanted her shoes on or needed help getting the other one on, but I tried to escape by going into the bathroom to talk.  She follows and bangs on the door while still shrieking (our baby has some serious lungs on her!).  I apologized to the lady on the phone, fixed the shoes and then walked away again trying to get this conversation finished.


Our darling little girl then wanted to perform a piano concert for us after the shoe fiasco was done.  I am doing the arm flap thing, snapping the fingers, shaking head no, mouthing No ma’am & is only getting louder.  I pick her up from the piano bench and try to get her in her room for a timeout while the phone is hanging onto my ear by my shoulder.  The (very heavy) piano bench AND her then fell on my shins because she was in the all out, back arching, fit throwing tantrum.  I think I turned white & nearly passed out in pain at this point in time!  I can only imagine what this poor woman on the other end of the line must be thinking.  I had already invested so much into the phone call that I refused to hang up so went limping back to bathroom (locking bedroom door this time so that we are even farther apart this time) to finish the phone call & tend to this crazy bebe.  I come out 5 minutes later & in this short amount of time she gave herself a very elaborate paint job on her nails & fingers!  I am still barely hanging on to consciousness from the pain & now have to give her a bath and manage this nail polish ordeal.

photo 2-33Do you like the haircut she gave her bangs too? 😛 photo 1-33

In the end I have no idea what or if I made any changes to our policy LOL!  One day at a time & keep repeating over and over that these are some of the best days of our lives. 😛

Mom’s –  what would you have done?:

1) Hang up the phone

2) Run out the front door & lock the doors behind you

3) Duct tape & hog tie

All kidding aside would love to hear what you do and how you manage trying to make phone calls while kids are at home!

xoxo ❤ ~ Melissa

6 thoughts on “So you want to make a phone call?

  1. Haha!! No advice from this gal— I’ll just affirm to you that it’s not just you— every time I talk to my sister—all of the kids need her, have a Q, hungry, fighting, getting hurt…..something!! Never, ever fails! It’s funny!! But, seriously— don’t know how you stay at home moms keep your sanity! I admire you!!

  2. every single time I pick up the phone. i’m a stay at home mom and a full time employed mom as well. I have to be on conference calls or speak to my co workers or boss regularly…so there is lots of warning the children I am about to answer the phone or about to make a call and they all better behave and be quiet or else. hardly works…but the older ones are catching on. and they help keep my littlest quiet. but I have worked at home for 8 years now and it wasn’t always so easy. I have been nursing, typing and on the call all at the same time frequently. not to mention changing diapers while clutching a phone between my ear and shoulder. to be honest, in desperate situations I have run to my room, locked the door, and headed into the deepest corner of my closet with the door shut to muffle the sounds of fighting and screaming. but it is so difficult, because you don’t dare want them to be in harms way…so I have also just thrown the phone and ran to the kids when it sounded serious. they always come first, after all. 🙂 the joys of mother-hood. as frustrating as it can be, I wouldn’t change it for the world!

    • Thanks for the comment Maria! I am so impressed that you have been a wahm for over 8 years! I am on year 2 so still have some learning to do lol. The closet sounds like a good idea too! 😉 And yes very true, although frustrating I wouldn’t trade it & the opportunity to stay at home with them for anything! ❤

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